November 21, 2010

Jesus in a mug

Did you see the moon tonight?  Beautiful.  It was one of those evenings where daylight gives way to moonlight with no perceivably dark void.  The whole day was nice – sunshine, cool crisp November air and….. Beer.  Yes, this magical day gave us a beer for the masses.  An ale that’s not too hoppy, not too strong, and not too dark.  It’s the kind of beer your Bud guzzling Father-in-law or your beer snobish friend from Seattle would like.  It’s everybody’s beer.  It’s Jesus in a mug.

Love your beer.

Still need a name for the beer shack, shed, brewery, hut, hovel.

November 18, 2010


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Funny word, brewed, makes me think of dirty, drunk, angry group of Irish men hunting werewolves.

Also makes me think of great and wonderful things that take you to new heights and new places.  Things that allow you to celebrate or escape.

I brewed yesterday for the first time in my new brewshed (still need a name).  After tediously fixing a kabillion things that weren’t right, like the Pacer, the beer actually came out great – so far.  All the money and work that went into this brewshed pays off when you boil hopped up wort in a 12×12 space.  The aroma fills your brain with pleasantness.  The 8.1% beer will be a bonus.

Here are some pic’s of the beer giving God.

November 15, 2010

Beer due soon

The new brewery is crowning…..  Beer is due soon.

October 24, 2010

Close to Beer

I woke up this morning thinking about beer.  Not drinking it but making it.  I was thinking specifically about the mash temp and trying to decide if I should boost the entire mash from 152f to 170f before run-off or just sparge with 170f water.  Any suggestions.

The brew hut, shed, shack, whatever, is coming along swimmingly.  My goal is to have an X-Mas beer ready for all my X-Mas friends who have been good little beer drinkers.  In the mean time, ya-all have sent me some really good beer, brewery name suggestions.  There are some of you who really, really, really want that keg of beer.  For those of you who have not heard about the brewery naming contest, I’m having a brewery naming contest.

If you submit a name that wins (I choose) then you will receive a complementary 5 gallon keg of beer.  I will come to your house and set it up with a draft system and for the coup de trois, I will draw your first pint for you.  Also, the winner gets to choose the style of beer they want and I will brew it personally for you!  So, get your suggestions in and tell your friends, and drink beer.

With that, here are the suggested names so far…… unedited, so read at your own risk. I personally like the religious angle and the snow, adventure stuff.  As always, Love your Beer!

“”O little beer of Bethlehem,
Our still is steaming and live……..”

Be a wise man and follow yonder star to the shack out back.”

“Piste-Off, Epic Fail or Epic Ale or Epic Fail Ale, Slash + Burn, Reckless [REK-LES] Adrenaline, Sick Suds, Dead Fall, Blind Descent, Avalanche Ale, Gravity Check, Chute! It’s Good, Hucking Awesome, What the Huck?!, Trail Magic, Endo Ale, Stoked, Just Stoked, Hucking Stoked, White Blaze, White Blazing Ale, POW!, POWder Keg, Double Digger, Double Blaze Ale, Whiteout… I’m just getting started.”

“Burt’s Backwoods Brewery”

“is this jazes future home?”

“Given the size of your brewery, Ångström Brewery and/or Ångström Ale (i.e., 10 times smaller than nano), and you get to bust out an umlaut.”

“Mr Beer”

“Besides the Crack House?”

Iani Mini Mighty Brew

The He-Brew, you know since you’re in Bethlehem.
or what about Mob Barley’s or how about the Gale River Brewery or White Mountain Brewery or how about Backcountry Brewing

Backyard Brew Hut?? Hmmm… other ideas… The Brew Ha-ha? Alright, maybe not

Burt’s Badass Brewery or the Triple B, Little Hut Brew Pub, Gilligan’s Brewery, Just the Tip Brew Shed, Quaffer’s Brew Shed, Hoppy Dayz Pub, Dow Ling’s Asian Pub, Dipsomaniacs, Potable Brew, The Brew Ski, Oh little Beer of Bethlehem, Happy Endings, O’Blivians, Beer O’Clock,

Keep ’em coming…..

October 22, 2010

thursty thursday

Pool and beer and friends.  It almost doesn’t get any better than that.

Tomorrow, I’ll try to get an update of the brewery construction to you.  I can’t wait to brew again.

Also, I’ll post all the potential beer/brewery names that I’ve received so far (does i come before e?).  There are some really good ones and others that may be the result of too much good beer.

Stay tuned for more news from the ‘brew shack out back’.  that’s one of the entrants by the way.

October 15, 2010

‘The Friday Beer’

This is PG so, if your less than whatever PG age is then you have to leave.

It’s Friday afternoon, 5pm.  Well, 3pm.  Ok, it’s 2pm.  Guess what I’m doing.  No, not working, and I’m not stressing.  Wait….. you got it!  I’m imbibing in a bottle of really good IPA.

The Friday Beer is different than any of the other beers that may happen during the rest of the week.  Those beers are empty when compared to The Friday Beer because The Friday Beer is special.  It even tastes better.  And here’s the cool part – The Friday Beer can lead to many Friday Beers without worry or concern that some inanimate object is going to wake you at some ungodly hour.

So, enjoy because it only happens once a week or to put it another way,  it only happens 14% of your life.  The Friday Beer; worry free consumption.  I’m gettin’ another.


October 14, 2010

The Beer Tingle

Had a hard day?  Looking for some love, or affection, or just a hug?  Grab a beer.  Let it sooth you with its cold warmth.  Depending on your stomach contents, you should realize some relief around ounce number 7-12 – perhaps sooner, depending on consumption speed.


Love your beer and it will love you.


Still looking for brewery names so help me and I’ll help you with a complimentary keg of beer if your name is chosen as the winner.
Love your beer.

October 12, 2010


Rek – Lis Beer
Iani Mini Mighty Brew
Zombie Beer
Shocker Brewing

keep ’em coming…. Earn youself a complimentary keg!

October 9, 2010

Free Beer?

I need your help!  I will give a keg of beer, or the equivalent, to the person who provides me with the best name for my newly built mini brewery.  I’ll even make your favorite kind of beer (no fruit or spices, though, sorry).  This is no joke so get those creative worts flowing.

October 6, 2010

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!